Table 3: Comparison of liver function markers, lipid profile, and tissue damage parameters among all the group after 2 weeks of TPN administration (n=8).

Parameter Control STH-OO STH-CO STH-MVO STH-SO
Liver function markers
SGPT (IU/L) 88.8(±7.4) 89.6(±6.4) 102.9(±6.1) 195.6(±39.2) * 245.7(±4.1) **
SGOT(IU/L) 86.2(±8.3) 87.5(±3.5) 99.6(±5.6) 194.8(±54.6) * 255.8(±7.2) **
ALP(IU/L) 98.2(±5.6) 98.8(±8.0) 98.2(±5.6) 141.4(±6.7) * 227.8(±3.4) **
GGT(IU/L) 17.2(±2.3) 19.8(±1.3) 21.3(±3.3) 65.9(±12.9) ** 88.1(±1.8) **
TB (mg/dl) 3.7(±0.06) 3.7(±0.08) 4.0(±0.02) 6.0(±0.06) * 9.9(±0.05) **
DB (mg/dl) 0.7(±0.03) 0.8(±0.04) 1.0(±0.01) 2.8(±0.0) * 6.7(±0.02) **
Protein (mg/dl) 6.2(±0.8) 7.4(±0.9) # 7.5(±0.7) # 5.92(±0.4) @ 3.6(±0.5) * ##
ALB (mg/dl) 3.3(±0.7) 3.5(±0.6) # 3.2(±0.4) 2.4(±1.0) * 2.0(±0.4) *
Lipid profile
TG (mg/dl) 102.6(±7.6) 109.3(±7.8) 122.6(±4.6) 190.7(±7.8) * 270.5(±16.2) **
TC (mg/dl) 116.1(±3.4) 121.1(±3.2) 133.2(±4.8) 362.0(±30.8) ** 389.2(±24.5) **
LDL (mg/dl) 77.5(±9.5) 88.4(±5.5) 108.8(±7.5) 198.4(±9.6) ** 347.2(±26.1) **
VLDL (mg/dl) 21.2(±3.8) 23.1(±3.5) 24.2(±3.5) 41.9(±3.5) * 74.8(±5.9) **
HDL (mg/dl) 56.1(±5.4) 73.0(±5.3) # 70.4(±6.8) # 35.8(±3.5) $ ## 35.1(±1.7) $ ##
Tissue damage parameters
CPK (IU/L) 168.5(±16.0) 201.7(±86.3) 210.1(±15.8) 404.4(±95.6) * 504.4(±95.3) **
LDH (IU/L) 228.5(±19.3) 313.8(±9.9) 352.9(±21.0) 441.6(±23.4) * 641.6(±23.2) **
4.6(±0.05) 5.1(±0.17) 5.7(±0.09) 7.3(±0.3) * 8.0(±0.3) **
MDA (nmol/ml) 7.96(±0.31) 7.93(±0.33) # 7.90(±0.5) # 11.0(±0.7) * 12.0(±0.5) **
CRP (mg/dl) 0.142(±0.02) 0.22(±0.04) 0.5(±0.08) 2.5(±0.9) ** 2.6(±0.9) **

Data representation (mean ± S.D) *Values with statistically significant difference (p <0.05) in comparison with control, STH-OO and STH-CO groups; **highly significant difference (p <0.005) in comparison with control, STH-OO and STH-CO groups; # values are more favorable than the control group; @ values with statistically significant difference (p <0.05) than STH-OO and STH-CO only; ## highly significant difference (p <0.005) than STH-OO and STH-CO only; $ Values with statistically significant difference (P<0.05) in comparison with control only