Table 1: Factors of interest.

Predictor Details for Each Categorical Variable
Region Note: Region of household
1. Bangkok Metropolis (6.15%, 5.69%, 6.21%, 5.84%)a,
2. Central (excluding Bangkok) (24.76%, 28.85%, 29.37%, 29,21%),
3. North (25.01%, 24.93%, 24.35%, 24.59%),
4. Northeast (26.38%, 26.40%, 25.66%, 25.92%),
5. South (13.74%, 14.13%, 14.41%, 14.44%)
Area Note: Area of household
1. Municipal area (62.20%, 61.54%, 61.69%, 61.13%),
2. Non-municipal area (37.80%, 38.46%, 38.31%, 38.87%)
Number of household members Note: Number of members in household
(Mean = 3.26, 3.22, 3.18, 3.04)b
Income Note: Average total monthly income per household (Thai Baht)
(Mean =19754, 20160, 22388, 24290)
Sex Note: Sex of head of householdc
1. Male (66.96%, 66.58%, 64.84%, 63.63%),
2. Female (33.04%, 33.42%, 35.16%, 36.37%)
Marital status Note: Marital status of head of household
1. Single (9.10%, 8.82%, 8.88%, 9.62%),
2. Married (69.94%, 69.76%, 68.45%, 66.64%),
3. Widowed (15.19%, 15.82%, 16.61%, 17.41%),
4. Other (5.77%, 5.60%, 6.06%, 6.33%)
Religion Note: Religion of head of household
1. Buddhist (95.10%, 94.78%, 94.92%, 94.95%),
2. Islamic (4.14%, 4.43%, 4.33%, 4.51%),
3. Christian and other (0.76%, 0.79%, 0.75%, 0.54%)
Disability Note: Whether head of household is disabled
0. No (97.46%, 97.23%, 97.50%, 97.31%),
1. Yes (2.54%, 2.77%, 2.50%, 2.69%)
Welfare Note: Whether head of household receives welfare or medical services
0. No (3.04%, 2.73%, 2.03%, 1.61%),
1. Yes (96.95%, 97.27%, 97.97%, 98.39%)
Gambling expenditure Note: Average monthly expenditure on lottery tickets and other kinds of gambling per household (Thai Baht)
(Mean = 137.0, 120.8, 160.5, 182.8)
Tobacco expenditure Note: Average monthly expenditure on tobacco products per household (Thai Baht)
(Mean = 131.11, 97.31, 112.2, 85.8)
Amount debt Note: Total debt at end of previous month
(Mean = 154999, 149915, 154995, 159082)
Government fund Note: Whether head of household borrowed money from a government fund
0. No (80.31%, 81.94%, 84.11%, 85.16%),
1. Yes (19.69%, 18.06%, 15.89%, 14.84%)
Education Note: Educational level of head of household
1. Missing values (6.15%, 5.98%, 5.78%, 5.59%),
2. Primary (58.44%, 59.08%, 58.15%, 58.42%),
3. Lower secondary (10.20%, 10.11%, 9.98%, 10.09%),
4. Upper secondary (10.46%, 10.01%, 10.69%, 10.31%),
5. Post-secondary (3.56%, 3.63%, 3.69%, 3.59%),
6. Bachelor’s degree (9.86%, 9.79%, 10.02%, 10.20%),
7. Master’s degree (1.14%, 1.24%, 1.53%, 1.54%),
8. Doctoral degree (0.06%, 0.03%, 0.05%, 0.07%),
9. Other (0.13%, 0.13%, 0.12%, 0.19%)
Work status Note: Work status of head of household
1. Employer (8.02%, 6.67%, 6.31%, 4.61%),
2. Own-account worker (35.94%, 37.02%, 36.88%, 36.90%),
3. Contributing family worker (2.10%, 2.24%, 2.33%, 2.03%),
4. Government employee (11.37%, 11.33%, 10.68%, 10.33%),
5. State enterprise employee (0.97%, 0.95%, 0.98%, 0.79%),
6. Private company employee (21.93%, 21.16%, 21.47%, 21.63%),
7. Member of producers’ cooperative (0.03%, 0.04%, 0.03%, 0.03%),
8. Housewife (4.09%, 4.20%, 4.26%, 4.58%),
9. Student (0.74%, 0.71%, 0.72%, 0.73%),
10. Child or elderly person (10.90%, 11.39%, 12.24%, 13.82%),
11. Ill or disabled person (1.32%, 1.47%, 1.36%, 1.52%),
12. Looking for a job (0.08%, 0.11%, 0.10%, 0.09%),
13. Unemployed (0.53%, 0.53%, 0.39%, 0.44%),
14. Other (1.89%, 2.12%, 2.22%, 2.48%)
Proportion of tobacco expenditure Note: Proportion of monthly expenditure on tobacco products per household by total monthly expenditure
(Mean = 0.0134, 0.0073, 0.0077, 0.0057)
Proportion of gambling expenditure Note: Proportion of monthly expenditure on lottery tickets and other kinds of gambling by total monthly expenditure
(Mean = 0.0139, 0.0078, 0.0096, 0.0103)

a Numbers in the parenthesis represents proportions of that category in years 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2011, respectively. b Numbers in the parenthesis represents mean in years 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2011, respectively. c The head of household is the leader of the household, as selected by all household members.