Table 1: Mortality rates in 18 OECD countries in three age groups during the period 1990-2010. Results from country specific linear regression analyses: assessed rates in 1990 (H1990), annual rates of decrease (ß), explanatory values of the linear regression equations (R2) and rate of decrease as percentage of H1990.

Age group Mortality rate in 1990 (H1990) per 100000, assessed, mean (SD) Annual rate of decrease of mortality (ß), mean (SD)[Coefficient of Variation] Explanatory values of the country specific linear regression equations (R2), mean (SD) Mean ß/Mean H1990 (%) (Rate of decrease/rate in (1990), mean (SD)
25-34 years 104.06 (29.83) -2.22 (1.371) [-0.6174] 0.7981 (0.1866) -1.989 (0.877)
35-54 years 279.32 (49.63) -3.857 (1.529) [-0.3965] 0.8751 (0.1113) -1.383 (0.475)
55-74 years 1 773.91 (275.7) -35.79 (9.672) [-0.2703] 0.9645 (0.025) -1.995 (0.36)