Table 1: Socio-demographic characteristics of Health Workers Working in Public Tertiary Care Hospital of Rawalpindi.

Socio Demographic Variables Frequency Percentage
Gender Male 33 37.1
Female 56 62.9
Age 18-30 30 33.7
31-50 55 61.8
51-65 3 3.4
>65 1 1.1
Marital Status Married 28 31.5
Unmarried 55 61.8
Divorced 6 6.7
Field of Specialization Doctors 49 55.1
Nurses 31 34.8
Pharmacists 4 4.5
Laboratory Personnel 4 4.5
Vaccinator 1 1.1
Time since in the specific hospital <than a Year 29 32.6
1-5 Years 35 39.3
6-10 Years 15 16.9
11-15 years 4 4.5
16-20 Years 4 4.5
> 20 Years 2 2.2
Level of education Diploma holders 8 9
Undergraduates 7 7.9
Graduates 58 65.2
Advanced education 16 18