Table 3: Treatment outcome SAM children stratified by type of SC in Gedeo Zone, 2015.

Indicators/ Treatment Outcome Hospital SC
N (%)
H/Center SC
N (%)
N (%)
CHR P.Value
Cure rate 155(76.73) 145(73.23) 300(75) 1.2(0.7-1.9) 0.48
Death rate 28(13.86) 5(2.50) 33(8.25) 6.2(2.34-16.4) <0.001
Defaulter rate 10(4.95) 8(4) 18(4.5) 1.23(0.47-3.3) 0.66
Nutrition Referral 7(3.46) -# 7(1.75)
Medical transfer 2(0.90) 34(17.17) 36(9) 0.048(0.011-0.2) <0.001
Rate of weight gain 8.6 g/kg/day 8.9 g/kg/day 8.8 g/kg/d 0.13
Average length of stay 17 10.5 13.8 <0.001

# registered as recovered when referred to Outpatient Therapeutic Feeding Program (OTP)