Table 3: Parameter estimates at different quantile levels.

Parameter Estimate p-value Estimate p-value Estimate p-value Estimate p-value Estimate p-value Estimate p-value
Intercept 10.64 <.0001 13.27 <.0001 14.61 <.0001 15.93 <.0001 16.79 <.0001 18.63 <.0001
Quantile Level 0.05 0.25 0.50 0.75 0.85 0.95
Current age of children 0.03 0.3486 -0.19 <.0001 -0.29 <.0001 -0.38 <.0001 -0.44 <.0001 -0.64 <.0001
Current age of mother 0.00 0.7245 -0.01 0.001 -0.01 0.0011 -0.01 0.0055 -0.01 0.0085 -0.01 0.5091
Mother’s BMI 0.05 <.0001 0.07 <.0001 0.07 <.0001 0.07 <.0001 0.08 <.0001 0.08 <.0001
Sex of child (Ref. Male)
Female -0.22 0.0036 -0.22 <.0001 -0.20 <.0001 -0.24 <.0001 -0.22 <.0001 -0.25 0.0181
Region (Ref. Tigray)
Addis Adaba 0.66 0.0021 -0.23 0.0506 0.36 0.0021 0.22 0.2058 0.50 0.0265 0.91 0.0059
Afar 0.28 0.1625 0.42 0.0044 -0.34 0.0005 -0.46 0.0003 -0.29 0.0589 -0.32 0.2562
Amhara 0.30 0.0564 0.05 0.5783 -0.02 0.782 -0.15 0.0837 -0.01 0.8816 -0.37 0.1181
Benishangul-Gumuz 0.32 0.1145 0.07 0.467 -0.09 0.3272 -0.19 0.0688 -0.12 0.3425 -0.10 0.7283
Dire Dawa -0.24 0.4795 -0.15 0.3288 -0.23 0.04 -0.49 0.0008 -0.41 0.0055 -0.18 0.5495
Gambela -0.12 0.6427 -0.07 0.5731 -0.28 0.0296 -0.41 0.0044 -0.24 0.1471 -0.21 0.4863
Harari -0.20 0.3795 -0.04 0.7909 0.04 0.7319 -0.15 0.2674 0.02 0.9288 0.03 0.93
Oromia 0.05 0.7724 0.09 0.3489 -0.02 0.8117 0.15 0.1865 0.31 0.0137 0.49 0.1266
SNNPR 0.59 0.0058 0.48 <.0001 0.28 0.0019 0.28 0.0157 0.41 0.0011 0.78 0.0334
Somali -0.38 0.0315 -0.72 <.0001 -0.81 <.0001 -0.86 <.0001 -0.77 <.0001 -0.92 0.0015
Place of residence (Ref. Urban)
Rural 0.03 0.8509 0.14 0.039 0.17 0.0195 -0.06 0.4937 -0.02 0.765 0.14 0.4907
Religion (Ref. Traditional)
Orthodox 1.16 0.0868 0.31 0.1208 0.09 0.5961 0.04 0.887 -0.39 0.2778 -0.73 0.4635
Catholic 1.09 0.2477 -0.24 0.414 -0.34 0.26 -0.15 0.7703 -0.23 0.7783 -0.12 0.9603
Protestant 0.97 0.1664 0.20 0.2901 0.09 0.5735 0.13 0.6383 -0.33 0.3486 -0.97 0.3255
Muslin 0.92 0.1764 0.30 0.1066 0.09 0.5557 0.05 0.8561 -0.39 0.2828 -0.78 0.4273
Other -0.05 0.9719 0.26 0.3368 0.13 0.6488 0.05 0.9195 -0.17 0.7622 0.01 0.9959
Wealth index (Ref. Rich)
Poor -0.08 0.5335 -0.12 0.0238 -0.13 0.0179 -0.12 0.0925 -0.14 0.0708 -0.23 0.1637
Middle 0.08 0.603 -0.11 0.1052 -0.13 0.0244 -0.22 0.0089 -0.13 0.167 -0.39 0.0302
Work Status (Ref. Yes)
No -0.01 0.9022 -0.06 0.1818 -0.03 0.4848 -0.01 0.7833 -0.04 0.4524 -0.05 0.7069
Educational level (Ref. Secondary)
No education -0.32 0.0997 -0.11 0.2353 0.00 0.9731 0.04 0.698 0.04 0.7498 0.03 0.9073
Primary -0.09 0.6136 -0.06 0.4997 -0.01 0.9075 0.02 0.8119 -0.01 0.9432 -0.13 0.6425
Higher -0.35 0.182 0.05 0.7099 0.17 0.1533 0.23 0.1473 0.16 0.3296 -0.15 0.6936
Marital status (Ref. Not married)
Married 0.03 0.8503 -0.02 0.8395 -0.10 0.2176 0.04 0.6952 0.06 0.564 0.02 0.9404
Weight of child at birth (Ref. Small)
Average 0.46 <.0001 0.26 <.0001 0.24 <.0001 0.32 <.0001 0.30 <.0001 0.37 0.0055
Large 0.60 <.0001 0.40 <.0001 0.43 <.0001 0.46 <.0001 0.42 <.0001 0.44 0.0017
Don't know -0.17 0.8959 -0.34 0.2375 -0.11 0.6086 -0.24 0.3628 -0.15 0.6844 0.14 0.7656