Table 3: Association between obstetrical history and adherence to ITPIp-SP, univariate analysis, in CNHU-HKM and CHU-MEL, 2015.

Variables Non-adherence Adherence p-value
n % N %
Gestation 0.9700
Primigeste 37 36.27 65 63.73
Secondigeste 30 36.14 53 63.86
Multigeste 68 37.57 113 62.43
Parity 0.4100
Primiparous 45 34.09 87 65.91
Secondparous 34 43.04 45 56.96
Multiparous 56 36.13 99 63.87
Number of stillborn 0.7800
0 98 37.26 165 62.74
1 24 33.80 47 66.20
2 13 40.62 19 59.38
Number of living children 0.2200
1 52 36.11 92 63.89
2 – 3 64 41.03 92 58.97
> 3 19 28.79 47 71.21
Place of birth giving 0.9400
CNHU-HKM 66 37 .08 112 62.92
CHU-MEL 69 36.70 119 63.30