Table 5: Association between adherence of IPTp-SP and factors related to health care, univariate analysis in CNHU-HKM and CHU-MEL, 2015.

Variables Non- adherence Adherence p-value
N % N %
Health worker’s competence for prenatal consultations 0.5600
Doctor 48 37.80 79 62.20
Mid-wive 77 37.75 127 62.25
Other 10 28.57 25 71.43
Health facility in charge of the follow-up 0.6700
CNHU-HKM 14 46.67 16 53.33
CHU-MEL 25 34.25 48 65.75
Zonal Hospital 3 37.50 5 62.50
Peripheral 93 36.47 162 63.53
Reception appreciation in the health care facility 0.1800
Bad 7 25.00 21 75.00
Good 128 37.87 210 62.13
Possibility of come for consultation at any day 0.7800
No 71 37.57 118 62.43
Yes 64 36.16 113 63.84
Waiting time appreciation 0.4200
Not long 70 33.98 136 66.02
Long 45 41.28 64 58.72
Too long 20 39.22 31 60.78
Campaign session on IPTp-SP participation during prenatal consultation <0.0001
No 119 51.97 110 48.03
Yes 16 11.68 121 88.32
Confidentiality in the consultation room 0.1500
No 4 20.00 16 80.00
Yes 131 37.86 215 62.14
Building and the maternity’s yard cleanness 0.5500
Clean 132 37.29 222 62.71
Dirty 3 25.00 9 75.00