Table 6: Determinants of adherence to IPTp-SP in multivariate analysis in CNHU-HKM and CHU-MEL, 2015.

Variables OR IC to 95% p-value
Malaria control measure
Know less 1
Know better 2.56 [1.17; 5.60] 0.0200
Number of tablets of IPTp-SP
per dose
Others 1
3 3.32 [1.43; 7.68] 0.0100
Number of doses of IPTp-SP to take in pregnancy
Others 1
≥ 2 4.70 [2.12; 10.39] <0.0001
Campaign session on IPTp-SP participation
No 1
Yes 4.61 [2.32; 9.17] <0.0001

OR = Odd ratio, IC = Confidence interval