Table 4: House and kitchen characteristics, Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia, February 2017, (n=1042).

House and kitchen characteristics Child size at birth, n (%) Total, n (%)
Small Medium or large
Number of rooms 1 room 69 (21.4) 253 (78.6) 322 (30.9)
2 rooms 61 (14.3) 366 (85.7) 427 (41.0)
≥3 rooms 40 (13.7) 253 (86.3) 293 (28.1)
Number of doors in the house 1 door 97 (19.2) 407 (80.8) 504 (48.4)
2 doors 48 (13.0) 322 (87) 370 (35.5)
3+ doors 25 (2.4) 143 (85.1) 168 (16.1)
Number of windows in the house No window 23 (34.8) 43 (65.2) 66 (6.3)
1 window 77 (17.9) 354 (82.1) 431 (41.4)
2 windows 54 (14.5) 319 (85.5) 373 (35.8)
3+ windows 16 (9.3) 156 (90.7) 172 (16.5)
House ventilation Poor 85 (20.3) 333 (79.7) 418 (40.1)
Moderate 51 (14.7) 295 (85.3) 346 (33.2)
Good 34 (12.2%) 244 (87.8) 278 (26.7)
Cooking place Inside the house 99 (31.8) 212 (68.2) 311 (29.8)
Separate house 62 (9.3) 605 (90.7) 667 (64)
Outdoor space 9 (14.1) 55 (85.9) 64 (6.1)