Table 4: Relationship between disability and Underlying variables in samples under study.

Type of test and its relationship
Total disability
Type and test statistic Degree of freedom (df) p-value
Age Pearson (0.31) - 0.009
History of disease Pearson (0.88) - 0.468
Education Kruskal Wallis (5.96) 2 0.202
Marital status Anova (8.49) 1 0.005
Disablement Kruskal Wallis (17.12) 2 0.001
Income Kruskal Wallis (5.41) 2 0.067
Lifestyle Independent T Test (-8.45) 67 0.001
Type of support Independent T Test (-2.03) 16 0.059
Type of medication Anova (4.26) 2 0.018
Communication ability Independent T Test (3.88) 10.7 0.003
Physical disability / Physiological disability Pearson (0.65) - 0.001