Table 1: An overall summary of tuberculosis prevalence among the underprivileged children of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Pakistan investigated during 2011 and 2015. The number (N) and percentage (%) of positive subjects is described.

Districts Total Subjects/ Frequency and Percentage of Subjects Confirmed for Active TB by Culture and PCR Test
    Male N (%) Female N (%) Total N (%)
Muzaffarabad and Neelum 60/ (2011) 0 2 (3.33%) 2 (3.33%)
70/ (2015) 0 2 (2.85%) 2 (2.85%)
Poonch 80 (2011) 1 (1.25%) 2 (2.50%) 3 (3.75%)
90 (2015) 1 (1.11%) 1 (1.11%) 2 (2.22%)
Bagh 150 (2011) 3 (2.00%) 1 (0.60%) 4 (2.60%)
400 (2015) 3 (0.70%) 3 (0.75%) 6 (1.50%)
Mirpur 75 (2011) 0 2 (2.66%) 2 (2.66%)
85 (2015) 0 1 (1.11%) 1 (1.11%)
Sudhnutti 60 (2011) 0 1 (1.66%) 1 (1.66%)
55 (2015) 1 (1.81%) 0 1 (1.81%)
Bhimber 250 (2011) 5 (2.00%) 6 (2.40%) 11 (4.40%)
200 (2015) 2 (1.00%) 2 (1.00%) 4 (2.00%)
Kotli 58 (2011) 1 (1.72%) 1 (1.72%) 2 (3.44%)
75 (2015) 1 (1.33%) 2 (2.66%) 3 (3.99%)
Total Samples/ average percentage 733 (2011) 10 (1.36%) 15 (2.05%) 25 (3.41%)
975 (2015) 8 (0.83%) 11 (1.12%) 19 (1.95%)