Table 4: Participants’ suggestions of interventions to promote utilisation of cervical cancer screening services.

Statements n(%)
Strategies used by the government to encourage women to attend cervical cancer screening services
          Health education 258(51.6)
          Cervical screening campaigns 148(29.6)
          Cell phone reminders 1(0.2)
What else can be done to encourage women to attend cervical cancer screening?
          24-hour services 1(0.8)
          Advertisement 5(1.2)
          Don’t know 10(2)
          Teaching 26(5.2)
          Awareness campaign 7(1.4)
          Groups 6(1.2)
          Door-to-door 10(2)
          School 1(0.8)
          Compulsory screening 6(1.2)
          Give caps 2(0.4)
          Give T-shirt 3(0.6)
          Give flag 3(0.6)
          Develop magazines 4(0.5)
          Give pamphlets 7(1.4)
          Encourage women to go for screening 1(0.8)
          Offer free services 1(0.8)
          Encourage use of condoms 2(1.4)
          Use of radio 1(0.8)
          Poster 2(1.4)
          Build clinics 1(0.8)
          Threaten women to go for screening 1(0.8)
          Use community health workers 6(1.2)
          Use special women at clinics 1(0.8)
          Use letters 1(0.8)
          Use cell phone reminders 2(0.4)
          Use community members 1(0.8)
          Use civic organizations 1(0.8)
          Services to be provided by competent professionals 1(0.8)
          Use of chiefs 1(0.8)