Table 4: Means and standard deviations of the degree of agreement on individual motivations for consumption, and on the reasons to attend a rave party.

Motivation (1, 5) M SD
To have fun 4.54 0.7
To search for strong sensations 4.27 0.8
To disconnect from one’s daily routine 4.18 0.9
To relax 3.97 1.04
To be better with others 3.91 1.23
To avoid boredom 3.78 1
To explore out of curiosity 3.75 1.06
To avoid feeling dissatisfied with current situation 3.54 1.36
To feel relieved from work-related stress 2.97 1.44
Reasons for the Choice of Context (1, 5) M SD
I can listen to the kind of music I like 4.48 0.1
Admission is free 4.25 0.9
I can use drugs without hiding myself 3.85 0.1
There is an increased circulation of synthetic substances 3.82 1.1
1=completely disagree; 5=completely agree