Table 5: Means and standard deviations of the degree of agreement on the effects sought in the use of substances at rave parties, and of the degree of satisfaction with life.

Desired Effects (1, 5) M SD
Feeling fit and stronger 4.57 0.7
Experiencing a trance state 4.34 0.8
Being more uninhibited 4.08 0.6
Not thinking about problems 4.08 1.01
Getting in tune with others 3.94 0.8
Transgressing 3.62 1.3
Searching for alternative worlds 3.51 1.3
Doing things I would otherwise not do 2.71 1.4
1=completely disagree; 5=completely agree
Current Level of Satisfaction (1, 5) M SD
Leisure time 4.0 1.02
Relationships with friends 3.84 0.9
Relationships with family of origin 2.0 1.0
Sentimental relationships 1.86 1.05
Work 1.81 3.02
Income 1.65 0.10
1=not satisfied at all; 5=not satisfied at all