Table 1: The role of CHWs within the wBOT context of PHC re-engineering.

Objectives Themes Sub-Themes
The roles of CHWs 1. Community profiling House to house visits
House-hold members recording.
Identification of physiological and social problems.
2. Health education Individual education and advice
Community education and advice
School learners’ education and advice.
3. Support for DOT Supervising the taking of TB and HIV treatments.
Reporting challenges to the clinic.
4. Basic home nursing care Bathing clients discharged from hospital
Cleaning households
Cooking for the sick
5. Referral Social problems reported to social workers
Physiological problems reported to the clinic nurses
Referral forms
6. Encourage drug adherence General encouragement
7. Tracing defaulters Loss to follow-up tracing
General encouragement
Collection of treatments from clinics on clients’ behalf
8. General assistance Lack of basic needs such as Social grants, Houses, Food, Identity documents, and Birth certificates reported to appropriate stakeholders
9. Monitoring Social grant abuse reported to social workers