Table 2: The challenges faced by CHWs within the WBOT context of PHC re-engineering.

Objective Themes Sub-Themes
The challenges faced by CHWs 1. Socio-economic and demographic challenges CHWs Walking long distances to clients’ homes
CHWs performing two roles for one small stipend
Clients not having food while expected to take medication regularly
Clients not following-up their medications
Stock shortages at clinics
2. Non-adherence to medication and health advice Clients sharing medications
Clients drinking alcohol
Clients not adhering to prescribed diabetic diet
Clients refusing to take medication
3. Poor reception in Households and non-recognition as other members of the health team Not allowed to use screening tools to assess clients
Not being accepted at clients’ homes
Clients refusing to sign CHWs records of household visit
4. Mentally illness stereotypes Mentally ill clients abuse by family members