Table 4: Bivariable analysis of factors associated with Non-adherence among hypertensive patients in Nedjo General Hospital, West Ethiopia, from March 15 to May 5, 2015.

Variables Categories Adherence status P-value COR (95% CI) for Non-adherence status
Adherent Non-adherent
Sex Male 28 48 1.00
Female 26 70 0.172 1.57(0.82-3.00)
Age 18-34 9 10 0.231 1.00
35-54 27 58 0.201 1.93(0.70-5.31)
>55 18 50 0.087 2.50(0.88-7.14)
Marital status Single 10 7 0.096 1.00
Married 34 85 0.017 3.57(1.26-10.15)
Divorced 5 16 0.033 4.57(1.14-18.41)
Widowed 5 10 0.154 2.86(0.67-12.11)
Occupation Employed 26 10 0.000 1.00
Unemployed 6 20 0.000 8.67(2.69-27.89)
Student 8 4 0.714 1.30(0.32-5.29)
Farmer 11 73 0.000 17.26(6.57-45.35)
Business person 3 11 0.003 9.53(2.19-41.47)
Place of residence Urban 40 38 1.00
Rural 14 80 0.000 6.02(2.93-12.37)
Level of education Illiterate 11 64 0.000 26.18(8.79-78.00)
Elementary 4 38 0.000 42.75(10.99-166.22)
Secondary 12 10 0.034 3.75(1.11-12.69)
College/University 27 6 0.000 1.00
Income status (Monthly income in Birr) <500 11 59 0.000 13.71(5.02-37.41)
500-1000 11 38 0.000 8.83(3.18-24.53)
1000-2000 9 12 0.038 3.41(1.07-10.85)
>2000 23 9 0.000 1.00
Number of antihypertensive medication 1 27 82 0.001 1.00
2 25 23 0.001 0.30(0.15-0.62)
3 2 13 0.336 2.14(0.45-10.09)
Duration of treatments <2 Years 27 45 0.174 1.00
2-4 Years 16 33 0.585 1.238(0.576-2.66)
>5 Years 11 40 0.062 2.18(0.96-4.96)
Physical activity Inactive 12 51 0.000 7.44(2.88-19.19)
Minimally active 21 55 0.001 4.58(1.92-10.93)
Vigorously active 21 12 0.000 1.00
Extra salt intake Yes 8 51 0.001 4.38(1.90-10.08)
No 46 67 1.00
Knowledge about hypertension and treatment Yes 41 19 1.00
No 13 99 0.000 16.43(7.43-36.35)
Cigarette smoking status Yes 6 18 0.469 1.44(0.54-3.86)
No 48 100 1.00

COR: Crude Odds Ratio.