Table 3: Respondents' sources of health information.

Parameters Male
N = 88
N = 67
Sources of information on drug decisions
Media adverts 17(19.32) 9(13.43) 0.7171
Friends/relatives 26(29.55) 22(32.84)
Doctors/health workers 27(30.68) 24(35.82)
Past experience/exposure 18(20.45) 12(17.91)
Sources of information on the treatment/prevention of malaria
Media programmes 27(30.68) 15(22.39) 0.5121
Health workers 30(34.09) 25(37.31)
Friends/relatives 31(35.23) 27(40.30)

Data are presented as figure with percentage in parenthesis. P is significant at <0.05