Table 2: PNV, CPA, CSE, and SNM of nursing students.

  Mean S.D Skewness Kurtosis Max Min
PNV 3.87 0.43 -0.44 1.248 2.5 4.96
CPA 2.92 0.56 0.047 0.178 1.07 4.57
CSE 3.41 0.49 -0.174 0.683 1.3 5
SNM 3.76 0.43 -0.034 -0.421 2.58 5

Note 1. SNM: satisfaction with a nursing major, CSE: career search efficacy, PNV: professional nursing value, CPA: career preparation activities
Note 2. Each item was rated on a 5-point Likert scale: 1=Absolutely no, 2=No, 3=So-so, 4=Yes, 5=Absolutely yes.