Table 4: Connections between socio-demographic characteristics and immunization status.

Immunization Status
Complete n=120 (64%) Incomplete n=68 (36%)
Education of Mother
Incomplete secondary education 2 (20%) 8 (80%)
Full secondary education 10 (18.9%) 43 (81.1%)
Bachelor’s Degree 95 (86.4%) 15 (13.6%)
Master’s Degree 13 (86.7%) 2 (13.3%)
Employment of Mother
employed 18 (43%) 24 (57%)
unemployed 102 (70%) 44 (30%)
The Number of Children
1 child 21 (25%) 50 (75%)
2 children 81 (84%) 15 (16%)
3 children 19 (90%) 2 (10)

Medical staff (49.5%) and internet (21.3%) have had an increasing effect on vaccine perceptions and vaccine decision-making. (Table 5)