Table 1: Guideline for focus group and face-to-face in-depth interview.

Participants Questions
Academician, Community Leaders, and Persons Living with STIs “What do you think about STIs?”; “How would men in this community react to the STIs?”; “Where/from whom do you obtain information about STIs?”; “Do you feel that the information you have received has been adequate?”; “What kind of information would you like to know?”; “How well do health workers respond to your health needs?”; “Are your health needs prioritized or disregarded?”; “Are you treated equally with regards to confidentiality of health information?”; “Did you have access to SRH services and information, such as about contraceptives, STIs and HIV in the disaster event?” ; “What activities had you engaged in with your partner about SRH matter?”; “What are the obstacles faced to involve men in the STIs prevention?”; “What kinds of financial and social barriers impede your access?”
Community Health Workers “How well do you respond to men’s health needs?”; “Are men’s health needs to be prioritized or disregarded?”; “Do men have access to health education and at times you are available?”; “What amount of time do you spend with women and men for the same or comparable conditions?”; “Are there beliefs that would discourage men from getting seeking services for an STI, agreeing to use condoms?”; “What activities had men engaged in with their partner about SRH matter?”; “What are the obstacles faced to involve men in the STIs prevention?”