Table 5: Logistic regression model for alcohol use.

Parameter β se(β) χ2 p-value AOR 95%CI of AOR
Intercept -0.75 1.830 0.2 0.684
Degree (Commerce) -0.25 0.316 0.6 0.422 0.6 (0.18 ; 2.08)
Gender (Female) -0.60 0.221 7.3 0.007 0.3 (0.13 ; 0.72)*
Age -0.01 0.076 0.0 0.929 1.0 (0.86 ; 1.15)
Year of Study (First Year) -0.40 0.229 3.1 0.077 0.4 (0.18 ; 1.09)
Campus (Alice) -0.38 0.333 1.3 0.260 0.5 (0.13 ; 1.74)
Residence (On Campus) 0.34 0.255 1.8 0.180 2.0 (0.73 ; 5.37)
Mother (Secondary) -0.23 0.329 0.5 0.482 1.0 (0.31 ; 3.06)
Mother (Primary) 0.44 0.436 1.0 0.312 1.9 (0.43 ; 8.57)
Father (Secondary) -0.06 0.338 0.0 0.858 0.7 (0.21 ; 2.54)
Father (Primary) -0.21 0.397 0.3 0.604 0.6 (0.15 ; 2.64)
Mother(Employed) 0.32 0.295 1.2 0.275 1.9 (0.60 ; 6.06)
Father(Employed) 0.23 0.294 0.6 0.436 1.6 (0.50 ; 5.01)
Health Knowledge 0.03 0.015 4.7 0.030 1.0 (1.00 ; 1.06)*

*Statistically significant at α=0.05