Table 3: The associations between the demographic characteristics of the studied family physicians and their intention to leave the job.

Variables Mean±SD Results
Sex Male 16.33±2.59 t=-0.059
p-vale= 0.953
Female 16.38±1.71
Marital Status Single 15.16±3.02 t=-0.942
Married 16.48±1.78
Age group (year) <31 18.40±1.66 F=2.7
31-40 20.11±1.70
41-50 16.94±2.50
51-60 14.02±2.02
>60 13.41±2.02
Type of employment Formal and official 15.85±1.49 F=2.43
Contractual 15.74±2.75
Private 14.81±3.72
Treaty 15.61±2.42
Apprentice program 11.20±0.824
Work Experience (year) <5 16.43±2.59 F=0.516
6-15 14.36±1.55
16-25 16.31±3.04
26-35 16.79±1.85
>35 16.62±1.92