Table 4: The comparison of physical, mental and social health in relation with the occupation.

Health Job Mean Std. Deviation Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval for Mean P value
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Physical Unemployed 63.2452 16.76938 -1.12470 -5.62255 3.37315 0.623
Employed 64.3699 14.49570 -1.12470 -5.40258 3.15318
Mental Unemployed 18.6205 6.49806 2.43382 .69491 4.17272 0.006
Employed 16.1867 5.98804 2.43382 .74313 4.12450
Social Unemployed 89.3273 21.01108 -8.79273 -15.23757 -2.34789 0.008
Employed 98.1200 28.22303 -8.79273 -16.01703 -1.56842