Table 3: Proportion of appropriate responses for attitude statements in current study, compared to that of comparable statements from other studies.

  (Appropriate response)
Current study Iraq
Awad et al [16] Kuwait
Huang et al [21] China (%) N=852 Lim et al [18] Malaysia (%)
N= 401
Chinnasami et al [22] India
N= 491
Andre´ et al [20] Sweden (%)
N= 747
1. There is misuse/abuse of antibiotics in country (Agree) 85.4 --- 80.5 --- --- ---
2. It is good to be able to buy antibiotics from pharmacy without a prescription (Disagree) 54.4 66.6 --- --- 69.2 89.1
3. There is need to establish public campaign on rational use of antibiotics
83.8 --- 74.1 --- --- ---
4. It is good to keep leftover antibiotics in home for future need
37.2 55.7 --- 83.0 64.1 92.4
5. It is appropriate to take antibiotics for cough /colds without consulting doctor
42.2 42.9 --- 38.2 13.0 ---
6. It is appropriate to use antibiotics for fever without consulting doctor
49.4 --- --- --- 20.3 ---