Table 4: Relationship between participants' knowledge/attitude scores about antibiotics and baseline characteristics.

Character Knowledge Score
Mean (SD)
P-value Attitude Score
Mean (SD)
Age group
18 - 25 yr. 7.27 (2.02) 0.760 3.53 (1.50) 0.261
26 – 35 yr. 7.37 (1.80) 3.36 (1.43)
36 – 45 yr. 7.48 (1.95) 3.55 (1.37)
≥ 46 yr. 7.51 (2.27) 3.73 (1.36)
- Men 7.37 (2.07) 0.801 3.52 (1.46) 0.978
- Women 7.42 (1.90) 3.53 (1.39)
   Education level
- None 6.86 (1.93) <0.001 3.43 (1.32) <0.001
- Primary 6.92 (1.85) 3.06 (1.34)
- Secondary 7.23 (1.96) 3.50 (1.30)
- Tertiary 8.28 (1.93) 4.17 (1.49)
                              Source for information about antibiotics
- Professional 7.62 (2.04) 0.360 3.72 (1.38) 0.119
- Non-professional 7.19 (1.93) 3.34 (1.44)
                              Presence of family member with medical profession
- Yes 7.89 (1.94) 0.011 3.72 (1.43) 0.525
- No 6.89 (1.92) 3.33 (1.39)
Total 7.39 (1.99) 3.52 (1.42)