Table 3: Integration of the findings on the six predictor variables and HRQOL.

Predictor Variables Standardized Coefficients (β) Qualitative Categories Sub-categories
Age β = -.008,
p = .80
Differences in age were unable to predict disease prognosis. a. Effects of COPD in adulthood
b. Effects of COPD in old age
Gender β = -.037,
p = .21
Differences in gender were unable to predict disease prognosis. a. Effects of COPD in women
b. Effects of COPD in men
Nutritional Status β = -.320,
p = .00
- Effects of COPD caused persons to receive insufficient nutrients.
- Self-care with regard to food consumption
a. Perceiving less weight because of the effects of COPD
b. Body requires more energy
c. Symptoms of receiving insufficient nutrients
a. To control food consumption as appropriate
Social Support β = -.412,
p = .00
- Social support created convenience.
- Social support created encouragement.
- Social support helped the participants receive good recommendations.
a. Living was facilitated by family members, friends, and healthcare providers.
a. Encouragement was received from family members, friends, and healthcare providers.
a. Good recommendations were received from family members, friends, and healthcare providers.
Pulmonary Function β = -.210,
p = .00
- Lung function worsened
- Dealing with the degeneration of lung function
a. Lung function got worse causing physical symptoms.
b. Lung function got worse causing psychological symptoms.
a. Experience with physical self-care
b. Experience with psychological self-care
Functional Performance β = -.125,
p = .00
- Weariness caused by the degenerative disease
- Dealing with the degeneration of functional performance
a. Experience with activity limitations
b. Emotional changes
c. Fearing going outside the home
a. Self-care with regard to functional performance