Table 1: Baseline characteristics of respondents (n = 75).

Socio-demographic Factors Total Sample
Adrenal Sufficiency
Adrenal Insufficiency
Statistic Statistic Statistic
Age (in years), M± SD 39.7±15.0 40.7±14.2 37.9±16.4 0.4387
Gender, n 72 46 26 0.8797
Male 56.9 58.7 53.9 -
Female 43.1 41.3 46.2 -
Marital Status, % 73 45 28 0.8486
Single 67.1 66.7 67.9 -
Married 27.4 26.7 28.6 -
Divorced/Separated 5.5 6.7 3.6 -
Educational Attainment, % 69 46 23 0.1344
No Formal Education 6.9 6.5 8.7 -
Primary School 23.3 30.4 8.7 -
Secondary School 57.5 47.8 73.9 -
Tertiary Education 12.3 15.2 22.2 -

Legend: M: mean; SD: Standard Deviation; ‡: p-value associated with T-Test; ⌂: p-value associated with a Chi-square Test.