Table 1: The strategic map of the department of health ecology.

Mission: To preserve and promote the health of all residents and visitors in the Primorsko-Goranska County through the protection of all environmental components.
Vision: Improving health and sustainable development through monitoring and analysis of environmental factors.
U U1 Increase customer satisfaction through the quality of services provided • customer satisfaction rating (survey; 1-5)
• number of current complaints / number in the previous year
• number of services provided / funds planned
• number of services provided / previous period
U2 Increase the total number of environmental components’ testing • number of current tests / number in the previous year
• number of current tests / planned number of tests
• number of references / number of elaborates
U3 Increase the number of new types of services • number of new services / total number of services
F F1 Provide sufficient financial resources to provide quality services • average value (in HRK) per team of the Croatian Health Insurance Fund (HZZO)
• the share of income of the Croatian Health Insurance Fund (HZZO) in total revenues
F2 Increase revenues from services on the market • share of market-realised revenues in total revenues
• amount of invoiced services / total number of employees in the provision of services
F3 Ensure financial sustainability • collected revenues / expenses
• collected revenues / invoiced revenues
P P1 Certify, accredit, and integrate new management systems • number of implemented management systems / number of planned management systems (ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 9001, ISO 14001)
• number of accredited methods / total number of methods
P2 Improve the efficiency of internal processes with new organisational and IT solutions • number of services provided / effective hours of work
• maintenance cost method / total revenues from that method
• number of justified complaints / total number of complaints about service provided
L L1 Adoption and dissemination of knowledge • number of specialised educations / total number of employees
• number of planned educations / number of realised educations
• number of internal educations / number of external educations
L2 Modernisation of equipment and investment in supporting infrastructure • value of new equipment / total revenues
L3 Increasing innovative solutions • number of innovations (methods, procedures, analysis, processes ...)
• number of published professional and scientific papers

(Source: Own compilations)