Table 2: Comparison of the DBM and control groups on global PSQI and PSQI Components.

Outcomes Pre-test Post-test p-value within group
Mean ± SD Median P25th-75th Mean ± SD Median P25th-75th
Global PSQI
DBM(n=30) 9.60±2.62 8 7-13 4.00±2.31 3 2-5.25 0.001**
Control (n=29) 8.45±2.26 8 6.5-10 10.38±4.85 11 7-14 0.05
between groups
0.105 0.001**
PSQI components: Sleep efficiency
DBM(n=30) 3.43±1.38 3 2-4.25 1.23±1.33 1 0-2 0.001**
Control (n=29) 3.34±1.67 3 2-5 3.93±2.05 5 2-6 0.186
between groups
0.817 0.001**
PSQI components: Perceived sleep quality
DBM (n=30) 3.80±1.60 4 2-5 1.17±1.26 1 0-2 0.001**
Control (n=29) 3.10±1.39 3 2-4 3.52±2.16 3 2-6 0.425
between groups
0.113 0.001**
PSQI components: Daily disturbance
DBM(n=30) 2.37±0.92 3 1.75-3 1.60±0.81 2 1-2 0.003*
Control (n=29) 2.00±1.10 2 1-3 2.93±1.38 3 2-4 0.032*
between groups
0.132 0.001**

Z, Wilcoxon Signed rank test;U, Mann Whitney U-test; *p<0.05, **p<0.001; PSQI = Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, DBM = Deep breathing exercise and Body scan meditation combined with Music.