Table 1: Changes in total knowledge, attitude and practice of lipid and body composition modifying score within groups at baseline, day30, 60 and 90

KAP Group Source Sum of
df Mean
F P value
Knowledge Total Intervention Time (Baseline, Day30, 60, 90) .377 3 .126 7.573 <.001*
Error (Time) 1.942 117 .017
Control Time (Baseline, Day30, 60, 90) .015 3 .005 .221 .882
Error (Time) 2.406 108 .022
Attitude Total Intervention Time (Baseline, Day30, 60, 90) 2.459 3 .820 6.306 .001*
Error (Time) 15.206 117 .130
Control Time (Baseline, Day30, 60, 90) .113 3 .038 .242 .867
Error (Time) 16.827 108 .156
Practice Total Intervention Time (Baseline, Day30, 60, 90) .610 3 .203 7.339 <.001*
Error (Time) 3.244 117 .028
Control Time (Baseline, Day30, 60, 90) .040 3 .013 .410 .746
Error (Time) 3.543 108 .033

*Significant at p < 0.05