Table 1: Key countermeasures considering the risk of exposure to COVID-19 infection during dental care provision.

Risk of exposure to COVID-19 infection during dental diagnostics and treatment Countermeasures
Avoiding dental visits except those that need emergence care provisions; postponed dental treatment
Providing consultation and diagnostics through a teledentistry/telephone (remote) approach
Scheduled patients’ visits with only one patient present in the waiting room and forming 30 minutes gap between patients to provide all the disinfection measures
Disinfectants and mask for patients in the waiting room
Decontamination of all dental instruments and dental units with sufficient exposure time after each patient
Full PPE-set use by dental professionals
Relevant disinfection and sterilization protocols within the dental office
Preprocedural mouth rinse for patients
Rubber dam, anti-retraction high-speed dental handpiece use