Table 1: Themes and sub-themes reflecting the challenges experienced by LTFU glaucoma patients during follow-up visits at the hospitals/clinics and suggestions made by the patients themselves.

Main-theme Sub-themes
1. Challenges experienced by glaucoma patients during glaucoma follow-up visits. 1.1.Lack of understanding the need for chronic therapy
1.2.Financial constraints
1.3. Patients’ beliefs
1.4. Existing negative attitude of health care providers leading to LTFU.
1.5 Difficulty getting time off to attend appointments/shortage of medications.
2.Suggestions made by glaucoma patients for overcoming barriers contributing to LTFU. 2.1 A need for more education and counseling on glaucoma disease and the importance of follow-up.
2.2.Glaucoma eye care services to be provided in Primary Health Care facilities.
2.3.Create transportation services, such as mobile clinics.