Table 1: The distribution of demographic characteristics of the participants.

Variables Numbers(percentage)
BMI Underweight(<18.5) 18(4.66)
Normal(18.5 to 24.9) 180(46.63)
Overweight(25 to 29.9) 149(38.60)
Obese(>30) 39(10.10)
Education Less than diploma 130(33.67)
High school diploma 140(36.26)
Academic 116(30.05)
Training history Yes 53(13.7)
No 333(86.3)
Satisfaction with household income Satisfied 53(13.73)
A little satisfied 187(48.44)
Dissatisfied 146(37.82)
Marital status Single 30(7.8)
Married 321(83.2)
Other 35(9.1)
Health status assessment Very good or good 155(40.2)
Neither good nor bad 191(49.5)
Very bad or bad 40(10.4)