Table 3: Mean±SD of scores and frequency of dietary habits before and after the intervention.

Dietary Habits (Mean±SD) Always/most of the Time Sometimes Seldom/never p-value*
Consumption of low-fat dairy products Pre-test 3.71±0.97 230(59.6) 112(29) 44(11.4) 0.678
Post-test 3.74±0.96 235(60.8) 110(28.4) 41(10.6)
Removing fat from meat Pre-test 3.69±1.14 226(58.5) 104(26.9) 56(14.5) 0.0001
Post-test 3.96±0.98 264(68.3) 90(23.3) 32(8.2)
Adding Salt while eating Pre-test 3.19±1.27 105(27.2) 125(32.3) 156(40.4) 0.0001
Post-test 3.45±1.08 59(15.2) 113(29.2) 214(56.2)
Consumption of hydrogenated vegetable oils Pre-test 3.61±1.28 70(18.13) 106(27.4) 210(54.4) 0.089
Post-test 3.72±1.05 43(11.1) 114(29.5) 229(59.3)
Paying attention to food product labels Pre-test 2.32±1.26 73(18.9) 81(20.9) 232(60.1) 0.838
Post-test 2.34±1.27 75(19.4) 82(21.2) 228(59.3)
Consumption of boiled or steamed food Pre-test 3±1.04 115(29.7) 160(41.4) 111(28.7) 0.001
Post-test 3.24±1.04 157(40.6) 146(37.8) 83(21.5)
Consumption of fast food Pre-test 3.76±0.87 24(6.2) 107(27.7) 255(66) 0.603
Post-test 3.80±0.84 21(5.4) 103(26.6) 262(67.8)
Consumption of white meat (chicken and fish meat) Pre-test 3.45±0.82 178(46.1) 170(44) 38(8.9) 0.599
Post-test 3.48±0.80 183(47.4) 169(43.7) 34(8.8)
Consumption of nuts as snacks Pre-test 2.91±0.93 89(23) 179(46.3) 118(30.5) 0.569
Post-test 2.95±0.92 84(21.7) 195(50.5) 107(27.7)
Eating fruits/vegetables at least three times a day Pre-test 3.05±1 119(30.8) 154(39.8) 113(29.2) 0.005
Post-test 3.26±1.01 161(41.7) 138(35.8) 87(22.6)

Paired t-test *