Table 4: Perception about COVID-19 pandemic among study participants (n- 197).

Statements Doctors
Median (IQR)
Other HCWs
Median (IQR)
P value
COVID-19 is a serious global issue. 5 (4-5) 5 (4-5) 0.373
COVID-19 symptoms do not require special attention. 2 (1-4) 2 (1-5) 0.025
Educating people about COVID-19 can prevent the spread of disease. 5 (4-5) 5 (4-5) 0.904
I am worried about the impending outbreak in Mangalore. 4 (3-4) 4 (4-5) 0.011
Diagnosed Patients should be transferred to Isolation Wards. 5 (4-5) 5 (4-5) 0.941
There is enough support from the Government to control the outbreak. 4(3-4) 4 (2-4) 0.248
Health Care Workers should be up to date on information regarding COVID-19. 4 (4-5) 4 (4-5) 0.274
Hospitals are prepared for the outbreak of COVID-19. 4 (3-5) 4 (2-4) 0.123
There is unnecessary paranoia about the COVID-19 outbreak among the local public. 2 (4-4) 2 (4-4) 0.897
I am worried about getting infected by this virus. 4 (3-4) 4(3-5) 0.001

1-Strongly Disagree, 2- Disagree, 3-Neutral, 4- Agree, 5-Strongly Agree