Table 2: Individual-level actions and initiatives for the prevention and care of obesity listed in Brazilian and Portuguese official documents (in effect in 2019).

Brazil Portugal
Primary Health Care:
Support to Self-care for healthy weight [24, 36]
Diagnosis of obesity [24, 36]
Assessment of dietary intake [36]
Weight monitoring [25]
Diagnosis of arterial Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus [24, 36]
Individualized guidance [25, 36]
Physical Activity prescription [25]
Urgent, priority transport in specially-equipped vehicles for obese patients [40]

Specialized care:
Treatment by Diet therapy [25, 36]
Psychotherapy for overweight and obese patients [25]
Physical activity prescription [25]
Specialized, outpatient care for bariatric surgery patients [24]
Preoperative and follow-up tests [21, 36]
Medicine Assistance Program for pre-bariatric surgery patients [24]
Multidisciplinary assistance for post-bariatric surgery patients [24, 25, 40]
Pharmacotherapy for post-bariatric surgery patients [25, 36]

High-complexity, specialized care:
Surgical treatment [36, 40]
Plastic surgery [25, 40]
Across all levels of care:
Embracement of obese individual sat health care units [24]
Therapeutic evaluation for users with overweight and obesity according to risk strata [24]
Primary Health care:
Early detection of overweight [61]
Individualized care for obesity [60]
Obesity appointments for class-1 and class-2 obesity patients [61]
Medical follow-up/ Nurse/ Nutritionist/Psychologist [60, 61]

Hospital care:
A multidisciplinary approach to class-2 obesity with comorbidities and class-3 obesity [63]
Bariatric surgery [62]
Preoperative and postoperative therapeutic evaluation [61, 63]

Across all levels of care:
Used-centred care [61]
Surveillance of Healthy individuals [61]