Table 2: Demographic characteristics of study participants according to nutrition-related knowledge and behaviour score.

Characteristics Knowledge Score P Value Behaviour Score P Value
Sex - - - -
Male 3.02±1.02 0.02 5.19±1.28 0.0003
Female 3.15±0.87 - 5.49±1.2 -
Age group - - - -
18–29 2.79±0.92 < 0.0001 5.11±1.30 < 0.0001
30–39 3.19±0.92 - 5.43±1.16 -
40–49 3.31±0.86 - 5.45±1.26 -
50–59 3.15±0.88 - 5.69±1.07 -
>60 3.30±0.87 - 5.86±1.07 -
Marital status - - - -
Single 2.78±0.97 < 0.0001 5.09±1.29 < 0.0001
Married 3.24±0.85 - 5.51±1.19 -
Divorced/Widowed 3.37±1 - 5.62±1.16 -
Education level - - - -
High school or below 3.01±0.94 0.001 5.41±1.21 0.43
Bachelor/diploma 3.10±0.91 - 5.41±1.26 -
Postgraduate 3.42±0.86 - 5.28±1.15 -
Nationality - - - -
Saudi 3.12±0.91 0.38 5.43±1.23 0.01
Non-Saudi 3.04±1.01 - 5.12±1.22 -
Employment - - - -
Student/unemployed 2.98±0.94 0.001 5.30±1.21 0.02
Employed 3.22±0.90 - 5.41±1.24 -
Self employed 3.29±0.98 - 5.53±1.32 -
Retired 3.08±0.86 - 5.85±1.06 -
Monthly income (RS)* - - - -
3000–7000 3.02±0.94 0.001 5.31±1.23 0.01
7001–<20000 3.21±0.87 - 5.52±1.23 -
>20000 3.29±0.96 - 5.43±1.21 -

The data presented as mean ± (SD), *Riyal Saudi (currency 3.75 RS = 1$). The Spearman correlation test was used to examine statistical differences between groups. P < 0.05 considered statistically significant.