Table 2: Relationship between addiction potential status and demographic variables.

Variable Addiction Potential N(%) χ2 P.V
Low (n=314) Moderate (n=120) High (n=66)
Sex Male 107(50.5) 68(32.1) 37(17.5) 23.95 <0.001
Female 207(71.9) 52(18.1) 29(10.1)
Education Associate 6(66.7) 2(22.2) 1(11.1) 9.74 0.28
Bachelor’s 209(64.9) 71(22) 42(13)
MD 84(55.3) 45(29.6) 23(15.1)
Masters’ and PhD 15(88.24) 2(11.76) 0(0)
Marital status single 292(63.3) 105(22.8) 64(13.9) 6.05 0.049
married 22(56.4) 15(38.5) 2(5.1)
Locality Local 32(62.7) 11(21.6) 8(15.7) 0.41 0.82
Non-local 282(62.8) 109(24.3) 58(12.9)
Student’s current residence Dormitory 282(64.8) 97(22.3) 56(12.9) 24.51 <0.001
Lodging 13(31.7( 21(51.2) 7(17.1)
With family or relatives 19(79.17) 2(8.33) 3(12.5)
Economic status of the family poor 21(50) 10(23.8) 11(26.2) 14.15 0.007
moderate 221(61) 96(26.5) 45(12.4)
Good 72(75) 14(14.6) 10(10.4)
Economic activity along with education Yes 41(50.6) 27(33.3) 13(16) 6.39 0.04
No 273(65.2) 93(22.2) 53(12.6)
Parents’ place of residence City 284(62.6) 109(24) 61(13.4) 0.256 0.88
Village 30(65.2) 11(23.9) 5(10.9)
Family size 3 25(54.3) 11(23.9) 10(21.7) 10.83 0.09
4 132(67.3) 47(24) 17(8.7)
5 86(56.6) 42(27.6) 24(15.8)
6 and more 71(67) 20(18.9) 15(14.2)
Semester 1-2 110(71) 33(21.3) 12(7.7) 11.55 0.02
3-4 131(57.7) 55(24.2) 41(18.1)
5 and higher 73(61.9) 32(27.1) 13(11)
Life status of parents Both alive 300(62.6) 116(24.2) 63(13.2) 1.14 0.89
One alive 14(66.67) 4(19.05) 3(14.28)