Table 2: The items of Ethical Insights in the first-year medical school students.

- - Pre Test Post Test
- - N % N %
     1. Taking photos of the donated corpse is useful for educational purposes. totally disagree 10 27.0 25 67.6
disagree 13 35.1 6 16.2
no idea 6 16.2 5 13.5
totally agree 2 5.4 1 2.7
     2. Taking photos of the donated corpse is fun. totally agree 1 2.7 19 51.4
agree 0 0 10 27.0
no idea 4 10.8 5 13.5
totally disagree 17 45.9 1 2.7
totally agree 15 40.5 2 5.4
     3. It is necessary to strip all the limbs of the corpse while training. totally agree 1 2.7 10 27.0
agree 4 10.8 12 32.4
no idea 9 24.3 10 27.0
totally disagree 15 40.5 3 8.1
totally agree 8 21.6 2 5.4
     4. There is no need to know about moral considerations to work with the donated corpse. totally disagree 0 0 6 16.2
disagree 1 2.7 14 37.8
no idea 4 10.8 9 24.3
agree 18 48.6 5 13.5
totally agree 14 37.8 3 8.1
     5. There are no moral limitations to remove parts of the corpse out of the dissection room for learning. totally agree 0 0 8 21.6
agree 1 2.7 4 10.8
no idea 1 2.7 8 21.6
disagree 12 32.4 7 18.9
totally disagree 23 62.2 10 27.0
     6. There is no moral problem with doing fun things with the donated corpse. totally agree 0 0 20 54.1
agree 0 0 13 35.1
no idea - - 2 5.4
disagree 10 27.0 - -
totally disagree 27 73.0 2 5.4
     7. Removing some parts of the corpse in tests is justified. totally disagree 0 0 9 24.3
disagree 1 2.7 9 24.3
no idea 5 13.5 11 29.7
agree 14 37.8 4 10.8
totally agree 17 45.9 4 10.8
disagree 1 2.7 0 0
     8. While working with the corpse, I always ask GOD to forgive the person who donated the body. no idea 5 13.5 9 24.3
agree 12 32.4 18 48.6
totally agree 19 51.4 10 27.0
     9. While working with the corpse, I refrain from any unnecessary talk. totally disagree - - 2 5.4
disagree 3 8.1 3 8.1
no idea 12 32.4 9 24.3
agree 15 40.5 21 56.8
totally agree 7 18.9 2 5.4
     10. Caring for and keeping the removed parts of the corpse is considered as respect for the corpse. totally disagree 0 0 1 2.7
- 1 2.7 0 0
no idea 3 8.1 8 21.6
agree 16 43.2 16 43.2
totally agree 17 45.9 12 32.4
disagree 1 2.7 - -
11. In my opinion, the donated corpse is like a teacher who helps me to learn the science of anatomy. no idea 1 2.7 5 13.5
agree 20 54.1 21 56.8
totally agree 15 40.5 11 29.7
12.The provision of human organs and bodies for science advancement and training in any possible way is justifiable. totally agree 2 5.4 4 10.8
agree 0 0 6 16.2
no idea 9 24.3 12 32.4
disagree 18 48.6 10 27.0
totally agree 8 21.6 5 13.5
13.Identification of the corpse is important to me. totally agree 1 2.7 10 27.0
agree 2 5.4 9 24.3
no idea 2 5.4 11 29.7
disagree 18 48.6 3 8.1
totally disagree 14 37.8 4 10.8
14.I have no moral obligation to the professors' moral performance while working with the corpse. totally agree 0 0 5 13.5
agree 0 0 12 32.4
no idea 4 10.8 13 35.1
disagree 25 67.6 5 13.5
totally disagree 8 21.6 2 5.4
15.I have no moral obligation to the ethical performance of the dissection room crew. totally agree 0 0 6 16.2
agree 0 0 15 40.5
no idea 3 8.1 10 27.0
disagree 24 64.9 4 10.8
totally disagree 10 27.0 2 5.4
16.In my opinion, dissecting a corpse is basically immoral. totally agree 0 0 17 45.9
agree 0 0 16 43.2
no idea 6 16.2 4 10.8
disagree 8 21.6 0 0
totally disagree 23 62.2 0 0
17.The identity of corpses must remain confidential. totally disagree 1 2.7 1 2.7
disagree 0 0 3 8.1
no idea 9 24.3 13 35.1
agree 10 27.0 9 24.3
totally agree 17 45.9 11 29.7
18.I do not consider it immoral to name corpses. totally disagree 0 0 6 16.2
disagree 0 0 6 16.2
no idea 3 8.1 14 37.8
agree 15 40.5 8 21.6
totally agree 19 51.4 3 8.1
19.Any relocation of corpses must be done with respect and dignity. disagree 0 0 1 2.7
no idea 2 5.4 7 18.9
agree 15 40.5 17 45.9
totally agree 20 54.1 12 32.4
20.I would like to donate my body after my death to be used in educational matters. totally disagree 13 35.1 10 27.0
disagree 9 24.3 3 8.1
no idea 11 29.7 11 29.7
agree 3 8.1 2 5.4
totally agree 1 2.7 11 29.7
21.It is permitted to bring other people (both students and non-students) to the dissection room for non-educational purposes. totally agree 2 5.4 8 21.6
agree 2 5.4 15 40.5
no idea 5 13.5 9 24.3
disagree 15 40.5 5 13.5
totally disagree 13 35.1 8 21.6