Table 1: Soybean saponin hydrolyzing activities by different Aspergillus isolates.

Microorganism Total soybean saponin hydrolase activity (U)
Extracellular Intracellular Total (Extra- + Intra-)
 A. terreus 6.37±1.24 C 0.67±0.36DE 7.04C
 A. flavus 10.55±0.91A 9.39±0.84B 19.94A
 A. parasiticus 5.73±1.17C 5.68±0.71C 11.42B
 A. tamarii 0.24±0.23E 1.48±0.69D 1.72D
Mean 5.72A 4.31B

Three replicates were used for each treatment. Values followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P≥ 0.05 according to Ducan's multiple range test. L.S.D. value for fungus type is 0.9529, for interaction is 0.9820 and for total enzyme production (Extra-+ Intra-) is 0.4910.