Table 3: Antigen-induced proliferation of spleenocytes and DTH responses in mice and guinea-pigs, respectively, pre-immunized with rM. smegmatis-pDE22-PE35 and re-stimulated with the peptide pool and individual peptides of PE35.

Peptides of PE35 used for re-stimulation of spleenocytes Animals immunized
Mice Guinea-pigs
P/T1 P/T1
Peptide pool of PE35 Not done 4/4
Individual peptides of PE35:
1 1/5 2/4
2 1/5 3/4
3 3/5 2/4
4 2/5 3/4
5 2/5 3/4
6 0/5 0/4

1No. of animals showing positive responses / the no. of animals tested.