Table 3: Mean number of M. persicae per plot in 2012 before and 3, 7, 12 or 13 days after treatment (DAT).

Treatment Pre-treatment I Spray 3DAT I Spray 7DAT I Spray 13DAT II Spray 3DAT II Spray 7DAT II Spray 12DAT
Untreated 9.75±2.86 6.75±4.09 9.75±2.52 6.50±3.47 13.25±2.01a* 7.50±3.30 9.50±4.21a
Acetamiprid 3.75±2.25 6.75±2.78 4.50±2.59 1.75±1.03 0.75±0.47b 6.50±3.84 6.25±3.11ab
B. bassiana 11.00±6.39 9.25±2.92 10.25±3.37 5.50±2.25 5.00±1.77ab 8.50±4.64 1.00±0.40ab
Tolfenpyrad 7.50±4.17 6.00±2.79 4.25±3.27 8.00±2.08 4.50±3.06ab 3.50±2.17 2.75±1.25ab
Pyrifluquinazon 3.00±2.04 0.50±0.50 6.25±3.56 6.50±4.01 3.25±2.92b 2.00±1.22 0.75±0.47ab
NNI-1171 5.75±2.42 1.50±1.50 2.00±2.00 4.25±2.65 2.25±1.31b 8.75±8.09 0.50±0.50ab
Sulfoxaflor 1.5 2.75±1.25 3.25±1.43 0.75±0.47 4.25±3.59 0.50±0.50b 0 0b
Sulfoxaflor 2.0 9.00±6.12 0.75±0.47 2.75±2.42 2.25±2.25 3.50±3.17b 3.00±2.67 2.50±0.86ab
P value 0.694 0.095 0.075 0.771 0.005 0.703 0.023

*Means followed by the same or no letter within each column are not significantly different using Tukey’s HSD.