Table 2: Frequency of participants (in percentage) who chose specific adjectives to describe the flower selected as number one, as answer to questions about shape, size, reason of choice, and association to culture or family.

Adjectives Questions Participants using adjective
for all questions (%)
Shape (n=83) Size (n=36) Reason of choice (n=64) Culture (n=12) Family (n=27)
Pretty 7.3 73.5 50 37.1
Calm 38.5 38.9 29
Happy 38.5 27.9 26.4
Family 17
Pleasant 8.4 33.2 100 10.7
Special 17.1 6.9
Good 7.3 3.8
Interesting 9.4 3.8
Negative in
cultural way
50 3.8

n: number of participants who answered a specific question. Total number of participants: 159.