Table 1: List of attributes of the clinical context for the ASD diagnosis.

A1 Visual exploration of objects
A2 Vocal signals
A3 Used gestures to indicate requests
A4 Stereotyped and repetitive use of objects
A5 Symbolic play
A6 Involvement of other people
A7 Eye contact
A8 Face expression
A9 Use of gaze to understand the action of the examinator
A10 Responce to name
A11 joint attention
A12 Expression of affections
A13 Enjoyment sharing
A14 Integration of facial expressions and vocal signals and gestures
A15 Unusual body movements and unusual sensory interests
A16 Functional play
A17 Social smile
A18 The child’s response to a lack of social input
A19 Interactive behavior
A20 Verbal request
A21 Creative and immaginative abilities
A22 Verbal communication
A23 Roles of conversation
A24 Gestures associated with verbal language
A25 Irony
A26 Flexibility and social adaptation
A27 Emotions description
A28 Vocal intonation
A29 Awareness of social relationship
A30 Responsibility for own action
A31 Isolation
A32 Imitation of facial expression, sounds and gestures
A33 Emotional reaction to the change of routine
A34 Perception of cues of danger
A35 Understanding of request
A36 Understanding of nonverbal communication