Table 1: Pearson product moment correlation coefficients between variables.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Negative attributional Style (1) -.152 .080 .225* .423** .241* .044 .097 .159 .062 .010 .155 -.122 -.016
Positive attributional Style (2) .140 .203 .120 .060 .060 .078 .137 .033 -.161 -.041 .047 .062
SWM 4 b. (3) -.002 .276** .105 .009 -.083 -.021 -.138 -.014 .056 -.080 -.030
SWM 6 b. (4) .296** .235* .181 -.055 .049 -.049 -.144 -.077 .021 .054
SWM 8 b. (5) .411** .166 .020 .198 .069 -.060 .134 -.077 -.029
SWM total errors (6) .454** .125 .122 -.122 -.196 -.152 .190 .155
SWM strategy (7) .043 -.021 -.104 -.323** -.246* .200 .229*
SOC 2 m (8) .488** .402** .068 .067 .111 .120
SOC 3 m (9) .637** .363** .052 .049 .088
SOC 4 m (10) .644** .285** -.134 -.142
SOC 5 m (11) .405** -.183 -.241*
IED stages completed (12) -.650** -.683**
IED total trials (13) .923**
IED total Errors (14)
Participants N 90
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).