Table 1: Descriptive statistics and Cronbach’s alpha of variables.

Min Max Mean SD Alpha
Student’s engagement
   Behavioral engagement 0 4 2.92 0.65 .72
   Emotional engagement 0 4 2.81 0.76 .74
   Cognitive engagement 0 4 2.59 0.75 .71
Psychological factors
   Self-knowledge 1 5 3.92 0.64 .89
   Self-efficacy 1 5 3.75 0.60 .73
   Empathy 1 5 3.71 0.62 .71
   Emotional knowledge 1 5 3.62 0.51 .61
   Hedonic well-being 1 5 3.63 0.69 .73
   Eudaimonic well-being 1 5 3.78 0.68 .71
   Flow 1 5 3.55 0.61 .60
Social factors
   Teacher-student interaction 1 4 3.26 0.58 .91
   Pairs relationship 1 4 2.98 0.63 .86