Table 2: Mean, standard deviation and correlation for the variables.

Variable Descriptive Statistics Correlations
Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
G&C (1) 1.61 0.49 1
Academics (2) 1.63 0.74 0.355** 1
Emotional (3) 2.5 0.46 0.264** 0.195* 1
Psychological (4) 1.87 0.89 0.280** 0.378** 0.215** 1
Social (5) 2.53 0.68 0.228** 0.288** 0.255** 0.208** 1
Attitude (6) 3.41 0.92 0.352** 0.700** 0.342** 0.617** 0.604** 1
Overall Adjustment (7) 2.14 0.43 0.276** 0.676** 0.266** 0.659** 0.828** 0.409** 1

**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). *Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).