Table 2: Rotated Component Matrix.

Items Factor
Anger │Disgust │Happiness Positive │Emotions │Sadness │Fear
My friends say that I argue a lot 0.888
I may hit someone if he or she provokes me 0.877
I have threatened people I know 0.870
I wonder what people want when they are nice to me 0.807
I have become so mad I have broken things 0.762
You see someone accidentally stick a fishing hook through his finger 0.862
You see someone put ketchup on vanilla ice cream, and eat it 0.828
You are about to drink a glass of milk when you smell that it is spoiled 0.815
You are walking barefoot on concrete, and you step on an earthworm 0.800
You take a sip of soda, and then realize that you drank from the glass that an acquaintance of yours had been drinking from 0.735
In general, I consider myself Happy 0.836
Compared to most of my peers, I consider
myself Happy
I want to be happy and flourishing 0.780
Some people are generally not very happy. Although they are not depressed, they never seem as happy as they might be 0.774
Some people are generally very happy. They enjoy life regardless of what is going on, getting the most out of everything 0.764
When I'm faced with a stressful situation, I make myself think about it in a way that helps me stay calm 0.843
When I am feeling positive emotions, I am careful not to express them 0.777
When I want to feel less negative emotion (such as sadness or anger), I change what I'm thinking about 0.769
I control my emotions by changing the way I think about the situation I'm in 0.752
When I want to feel more positive emotion (such as joy or amusement), I change what I'm thinking about 0.751
Compared to most of my peers, I consider myself Sadness 0.811
Small things and situations can easily make me Sadness 0.795
In general, I consider myself Sadness 0.764
I know how to handle people / situations that makes me feel Sadness 0.758
Past experience always have make me feel Sadness 0.727
Having lots of joy and fun causes bad things to happen. 0.854
Excessive joy has some bad consequences 0.794
I prefer not to be too joyful, because usually joy is followed by sadness. 0.788
Disasters often follow good fortune” 0.713
Eigen value 4.48 3.79 3.31 2.87 2.59 2.10
% Variance 15.45 13.07 10.80 9.91 8.93 7.26
Cumulative variance 15.45 28.52 39.32 49.23 58.16 65.42
Cronbach’s alpha 0.899 0.874 0.854 0.841 0.830 0.809

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.